Monday, April 16, 2007

Not 12 hours later...

If I had a huge, annoying ego, I would have posted "I guessed it!" But I think you'd have to be brutally retarded to not know something like this was bound to happen.

Maybe some of you are familiar with the Brady Campaign. They're a gun law reform group that has a hand in The Million Mom March.

Well it's about 6:15 as I write this and the shooting isn't even 12 hours behind us. At some point in that time period, a PR rep had to research, gather quotes, write, and publish this press release on the Brady Campaign's web site.

Here's a statement by Paul Helmke, the group's president.

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the Virginia Tech University community, and to the families of the victims of what appears to be one of the worst mass shootings in American history.

"Details are still forthcoming about what motivated the shooter in this case to act, and how he was able to arm himself. It is well known, however, how easy it is for an individual to get powerful weapons in our country.

"Eight years ago this week, the young people in Littleton, Colorado suffered a horrible attack at Columbine High School, and almost exactly six months ago, five young people were killed at an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania. Since these killings, we've done nothing as a country to end gun violence in our schools and communities. If anything, we've made it easier to access powerful weapons.

"We have now seen another horrible tragedy that will never be forgotten. It is long overdue for us to take some common-sense actions to prevent tragedies like this from continuing to occur."

After invoking not only V-tech and Columbine, but also the Amish school shooting, the press release ends with links to the following Web site.

I promise that I will stop prefacing my points with disclaimers, but I probably should just once more for good measure.

I'm not saying whether or not I feel the Brady Campaign is worthwhile, but I want everyone to know that this shooting is already being invoked along with a political cause!


Anonymous said...

That's pretty fast. You would think that they'd like, you know, chill a day. Let people get buried maybe, or at least wait for them to get cold.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It's sad how quickly organizations and the media forget about the victims and their families and begin to exploit them for their own cause.
(Previous post had a misspelling)