Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fox Experts: Satan Turned Cho Evil!

Fox News interviewed more experts, one of which is from Oral Roberts University, who claimed that The Devil could have masterminded Cho's shooting.

Was Cho Seung-Hui schizophrenic … psychotic … manic-depressive? Or were the shooting deaths of 32 people, including Cho himself, at Virginia Tech University part of the ongoing struggle between God and Satan … good against evil … lightness and darkness?

Could Cho have been possessed by the Devil? Could that explain the massacre at Virginia Tech?

Not only is Roberts the president of the university, but he's also seen The Devil cast out of a person. That's why he's an expert on the subject.

They cite the Stanford Prison Experiment as an example of "outside demonic possession" or, how Satan gets into your soul from the outside. In the prison experiment, it says the prison environment allowed Satanic influence to pollute the hearts of the student volunteers. In Cho's case, the experts say, it's *obvious* it was outside satanic influence corrupting his mind because he left a note ranting against rich kids and charlatans.

While the prison experiment is a creepy read, I don't think it mentioned Satan once. But if I was the kind of person who saw the Devil's face in the 9-11 smoke, I'd be pretty alarmed at evil colleges and universities where this sort of thing went on:

Satanic “oppression," on the other hand, is "that which comes against." "It’s not in a person, but is coming against them, trying to put evil thoughts in their minds,” Roberts said.

Wouldn't you?

We're a little over 72 hours out from the shooting. Keep in mind that very little is known about Cho. His family is still in seclusion from the press. The truth will out, but in the meantime we can interpret and re-interpret the facts to fit whatever costume we want to dress it in. And afterword it won't even matter what actually happened!

Oddly enough, a pastor at the Crystal Cathedral had the most levelheaded comment in the entire article.

Rev. Robert H. Schuller, founding pastor of the Crystal Cathedral, who says he’s “not prepared to give the Devil credit for insanity.”

In addition to his theological accolades, Schuller has a background in psychology. He says of Cho: “I think it’s pure psychotic crack-up.

“I’m not denying that Satan himself could have been in this act. I’m just saying if he was, I’m not giving him credit for it.”

Speaking of which, I'm wondering about some of this attribution. What exactly constitutes Schuller's psychological background, for example? Wikipedia said he graduated with a liberal arts degree followed up by a theology degree, but makes no references to psychology. His Hour of Power homepage refers to him as Dr. Schuller, but his doctorate degrees are all honorary.

The closest thing to a "psychological background" I could find for him was a leadership award from the Munger Center of Psychological Services. I couldn't find a Web site, but I found it referenced on another Christian counseling Web site as a Christian psychology center located in Hollywood.

So Schuller isn't a doctor of anything, he may have only taken a psych course during his time at college and he has a leadership award from a faith-based counseling center that doesn't have any information online. Faith based counseling, as some of you remember, brings us things like the possibly damaging reparative therapy for homosexuals.

And yet he's attributed as source on psychology?

I know for us hip and cynical Internet people, this isn't a big surprise coming from Fox News. They carry their bias like a 20-pound sledge hammer. But it's the little subtle pinpricks like this that undermine the very basics of reporting. Imagine the *millions* of people who read that story and think "well he is an authority on psychology, he should know!"

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