Monday, April 16, 2007

We've seen this before , let's keep an eye on it.

This seems morbidly familiar doesn't it?

Using what we know about teenagers and people in their early twenties, we can reasonably guess that whoever shot 33 (maybe more) at V-Tech this morning is in hell talking to the greasy shades of the Columbine killers. They'll look at him disdainfully and say something like:

"School shooter? Pfft... Yeah, we did that when it was still cool. Now it's all trendy and stuff."

Then they'll go back to designing custom maps on Doom.

The thing is, they'd be right. We've all seen this before. We know that the news will run increasingly ridiculous coverage for 24-solid-hours today. We know that some sort of scapegoat (is it videogames or rock music this time?) is likely to surface. We'll know that people will likely be inspired to superhuman acts of kindness. We also know that some people's reaction to this will make our SKIN CRAWL .

This is sure to inspire a huge range of reactions in people. And since this is the (what number school shooting is this again?) we might as well take the time *now* to pay attention to what people said, how they responded, how they helped and how they hurt people. Who knows when this event will be mentioned in upcoming speeches about gun control, about anti-gun control, about needing tougher law enforcement in our schools, about needing broader executive privileges, about our country vs. the terrorists, about needing more faith in our schools.

We don't know when, but we certainly know that it will happen.

Something we all noticed is that somewhere after the initial shock of the event wears off, huge tragedies are turned into their own sort of modern mythologies. Recall where you were and how you felt when you watched 9-11 unfold for the first time over and over again on CNN all day long. Compare it to the cheap knick knacks people sell today of a golden eagle flying over plastic recreations of the World Trade Center. How do the two compare?

I think everyone can agree that something of the reality was lost in that time frame. Wouldn't it be worth it to be able to go back and compare the two?

Well that's why we need to point out new media as it surfaces. From the first few shocked videos to the point where hatemonger preachers start calling this God's Wrath. We are getting an inkling that horrible events like these and the horrible events that come after are going to be a reoccurring theme in our society. If only one good thing can come out of filth like this, let us at least be able to learn from ourselves.

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