Monday, April 16, 2007

Transcript of Interview with Survivor

This is the transcript of this video:
Video of Trey Perkins, brother of forum member.

Trey Perkins: I was in my German class this morning. I remember looking at my phone; it was about 9:40, and we started to hear some wild pops, but none of us really thought that it could have been gunshots because it wasn't really loud like that, and then a guy comes into the room. He shot our teacher and then we all got on the ground real quick and then he started just shooting around at different people. I'm not sure how long it lasted; it felt like a really long time but it was probably only about a minute or so, and then he finally left the room. And myself and two other students, one of whom is Derek O'Dell who had called in earlier...and we went up to the door and put our feet against it to hold it shut in case he started to come back again...and he started to try to open the door again and started to shoot through the door, probably 4, 5, 6 shots. Fortunately, none of those shots hit anyone and he finally stopped trying to get in the room and, I guess, continued on to other rooms because we kept hearing shots. After that I just went around and tried to help people that were shot just with, like, taking off my sweatshirt and trying to stop any bleeding that I could and just doing anything I could to help people.

MSNBC: what was the scene like in your room after he was gone?

Trey: It hard to describe. People shot, blood pretty much everywhere, just completely unreal, it's so hard to describe.

MSNBC: Trey, Did he say anything throughout this time?

Trey: Not a word. He didn't say a single word the whole time.

MSNBC: So there was never any indication of why he was doing this?

Trey: Not at all. He didn't say get down, he didn't say anything, he just came in and started shooting.

MSNBC: Did you get a good look at his face? Can you at least describe how he looked? Was he calm? What did he look like?

Trey: I guess you could say serious. He didn't look frightened at all, he didn't look angry. He just looked...just like a straight face.

MSNBC: When this all started, Trey, what went through your mind? what did you try to do?

Trey: I got on the ground, and I was just thinking "there's no way I can survive this." All I could really think about was my mom, and just what she would go through if something were to happen to me. And then I eventually started thinking "is there anything I can do?" But the angle he was at, there was no way I could get up and try to do anything, because I was blocked in by desks that were overturned.

MSNBC: So people were throwing desks over and just trying to protect themselves?

Trey: Yeah, just trying to get as much in-between themselves and the shooter as they could.

MSNBC: Trey, Have you had a chance to talk to your parents since then?

Trey: Yes I have contacted them, and they are on their way here to come see me.

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